Adam Pawe³ Zaborski
Po polsku:
Pages for Students (in Polish)
EDU activities
- Strength of Materials
- Visco-Elasticity and Creep of Structures
Some important educational publications:
- Chrzanowski, M., Wodnicki, P., Zaborski, A.: CAT-CW1: A CAT System
Supporting Engineering Education, Proc. Int. Conf. "Computer Aided Training in
Science and Technology- CATS 90" , (ed.E.Onate), Barcelona, 9-13.1990, 328-331
- Zaborski, A.: Computer-Aided Tutoring of Strength of Materials, Conf. "New
Tendencies in Mechanics Education", Ko³obrzeg, 25-26 Oct. 1996, 269-278
SCI activities
Main research fields:
- Creep of Materials and Structures
- Stress-Assisted Corrosion
- Constitutive Equations
International experience:
- 1984/85 - Université Paris VI/ENSET, Cachan, France
- 1992 - Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique
Some more important publications:
- ¯yczkowski, M., Zaborski, A.: Creep Rupture Phenomena in Creep Buckling,
Proc. Int. Symp. "Mechanics of Visco-Elastic Media and Bodies", (ed. J. Hult),
Gothenburg, Sept. 2-6, 1974, 283-290
- Zaborski, A.: Étude numérique du fluage et du retrait dans les arcs en
béton armé, Jour. Méc. Théor. et Appl., Vol.5, 4, 1986, 663-681
- Piechnik, S., Zaborski, A.: Stress-Assisted Corrosion of RC, Mech. Teoret.
i Stos., 1-2, 28 (1990), 199-206
- Zaborski, A.: Corrosion of RC Due to Stress-Assisted Diffusion, Arch. Civ.
Engng., 41, 3, 1995, 447-460
- Zaborski A.: Model of concrete corrosion under loading [in Polish], L Konf.Naukowa KILWS PAN, KN PZITB,
Krynica 2004, 179-186.